Marble and granite incrediblyrespecially
Marble has been appreciated for thousands of years by its natural beauty, its wide diversity of colors, easy processing and high gloss, making it the most important building material for interior coating. It has been used for a long time as a key element for the needs of decorating and it looks great positioned anywhere, because it brings luxury to a place. It was created by the metamorphosis of limestone and dolomite. The texture of marble depends on the shape, size and uniformity of the grain, which can be from barely visible up to several millimeters. For fine workability the most suitable are those whose diameter is about 1 mm. The fine-grained and large-scale marble with different or same grain size is distinguished. Various tinges give marble a certain color: carbonaceous materials give the marble a blue, gray or black color. Iron oxide gives yellow or red color. Without tinges, it is milky white, and with them it can be of different colors, one-colored, or multi-colored. They are beautifully and easily processed, perfectly glazed and polished. If the pigments of organic origin are exposed to the atmosphere, they pale quickly; therefore the material for external processing must be selected very carefully. In the form of tinges in marble, we can find: quartz, mica, epidote, chlorite, graphite. Adding colored ingredients to the marble affects his more beautiful and more attractive appearance, as it was done on Pentelic marble by adding a content of 0.12% of limonite powder to give the ivory color. If the marbles contain flakes of lysine, they are called eyplines, and with the tinges of serpentimes – ofikaleits. The use of marble in the interior is very large and varied. It can be used as a material for covering floors, walls, pillars, fireplaces, kitchen surfaces…
Granite has become a very widespread type of acid intrusive magma rocks. They are usually medium to large crystalline, and can be pink to dark gray, which depends on their chemical and mineral composition. It usually appears in the form of batholith, which builds entire continents. Sometimes it can be found in circular depression surrounded by a hill chain formed by a metamorphic aureole – hornfels, which is created in contact with the hot intruding magmatic body and the surrounding rock mass. The granite is almost always massive, solid and hard, due to which its use as a construction (technical) and architectural (ornamental) stone is widespread. The average density of granite is 2.75 g/cm3, but varies from 1.74 g/cm3 to 2.80 g/cm3. The word granite comes from the Latin language, which points to the large-grained structure of this crystalline rock.
What is marble?
Marble is a typical sedimentary rock, formed by regional, more rarely contact metamorphisms of limestone or dolomite. Therefore, there are calcite and dolomite marbles. The structures are granoblastic, and the textures are massive, rarely lacerated or striped to a certain extent. The color of pure marble is white, but since there are often tinges, it can be red, gray or black. The possible presence of clay in limestone will result in the appearance of marble with mica – cipolin. Marble is a rock with a significant application. An architectural and sculptural stone is most wanted, but the lacerated ones are used as a construction stone. The grinding of pure calcite marbles produces fine stone dust with the use in the chemical, food and cosmetic industries. Thanks to its natural beauty, a wide variety of colors, easy processing and high gloss, marble is the best building material for interior coating. The physical characteristics of marble are relatively small firmness (3-4 by Moss scale, density of about 2 g/cm3), so marbles are porous materials that are not abrasion resistant and they are not recommended for floor coating where there is a high frequency of people and technique.
What is a granite?
Granite is a deep magmatic rock. It is widespread in the earth’s crust. It was created by cooling and firming of the hot magma in the interior of the Earth. It is one of the hardest materials. Being solid and resistant material, it is often used in construction. The ancient Egyptians used it to build the obelisk. The average density of granite is 2750 kilograms per cubic meter. The word granite comes from the Latin word granum, which means grain. The granite can be polished to high gloss; therefore it is aesthetically highly acceptable material. Granite is now widely used for the coating of exterior walls on building objects and as a floor stone in public and commercial buildings and monuments. By the appearance of acid rain, granite has become more favorable than marble, because it is more solid. It is often used in kitchens as the upper work surface, because it is very durable material with a beautiful aesthetic appearance. It has a very high resistance to abrasion, by its firmness and durability. It is also used for stone cubes and curbs on the roads, for tunneling and for the monument stands.